BC Hop Company COVID-19 Safety Plan and Workplace Policy
This policy was developed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. The precautionary measures have been developing using advice and information obtained from the World Health Organization and the government of Canada.
Our organization will work to achieve a workplace that follows all precautionary measures identified by applicable governmental bodies and public health authorities to reduce the spread of the COVID-19.
Employee Responsibilities
NEW - As of October 15, 2020 until further notice - All employees must wear a mask at all times in the workplace. Masks are provided by BC Hop Co.
All employees should ensure they understand and comply with the infection prevention policies and practices outlined within this policy.
Hand Hygiene
Wash hands frequently. Thoroughly wash hands with an alcohol-based rub or with soap and water. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid touching your face (specifically your eyes, nose, and mouth) as much as possible.
Cover your mouth when coughing, sneezing, and yawning by doing so into the bend of your arm, not your hand.
Avoid touching surfaces people touch often.
Instead of a handshake, give a friendly wave or elbow bump.
Use any necessary personal protective equipment as directed.
Workspace Cleaning
Use appropriate products provided by BC Hop Co Ltd to clean and disinfect items like your desk, work surface, phones, keyboards, and electronics at least twice daily and more often if they are visibly soiled.
Social Distancing
Keep a distance of at least two metres between you and anyone else, including your co-workers and customers.
Increase distance between desks, tables, and workstations.
Reduce or eliminate activities that require close physical proximity or contact with people, such as team meetings.
Limit any necessary personal proximity to others that is closer than two metres to the shortest time possible.
Updates to Management
Provide updated emergency contact information to your manager.
Consider whom BC Hop Co Ltd should call if you require transportation home from work.
Immediately notify management if you rely on public transport to get to work and have no means to safety get home if you start to feel ill while at work.
If you have a symptom of COVID-19 or think you might have such a symptom, do not come to work. It is critical that if you have at least one symptom of COVID-19 (fever, cough, or difficulty breathing), or even mild symptoms, you must stay home to avoid spreading illness to others. Mild symptoms may be similar to a cold or flu.
Additional actions you should take include:
Immediately isolating yourself to prevent any possible spread of COVID-19;
Contacting your local public health authority and follow their advice;
Notifying the company
Factory Employees contact Antonio Studer
Fields and Drying contact Tony Nazaroff
Office and Management contact Diane Stewart
Remaining away from work until you have been advised to return by your public health authority, normally after a minimum of 14 days.
You need to self-isolate if you:
Have symptoms, even if mild, associated with COVID-19;
Have been diagnosed with COVID-19;
Are waiting for laboratory test results after being tested for COVID-19; or
Have been advised to self-isolate by your regional public health authority.
Self-isolating means:
Staying home until the regional public health authority says you are no longer at risk of spreading the virus; and
Avoiding contact with others.
If your symptoms worsen, immediately contact your healthcare provider or public health authority and follow their instructions.
Developing Symptoms at Work
If you develop even mild symptoms while at work:
Separate yourself from others.
Contact your manager using a telephone or by e-mail;
Notify your manager where you worked that day;
Disclose any interactions with fellow staff, customers, or others; and
Disclose any equipment you used, items you handled, or surfaces you touched.
If you drove yourself to work, immediately go home and start self-isolating. If you took public transport, your manager will contact either your emergency contact or the local public health authority or non-emergency services to ensure that you are safety returned home.
Do not return to work until your public health authority advises it is safe to do so. The quarantine period will likely last a minimum of 14 days.
Employer Responsibilities
To ensure that BC Hop Co Ltd continues to provide a healthy and safe workplace, the following measures have been implemented. In addition, BC Hop Co Ltd continues to stay updated on guidelines and information provided from the World Health Organization and the government of Canada, and on measures implemented at a provincial level.
Use the risk-informed decision-making guidelines for workplaces and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic to help develop policies and procedures.
Continue to communicate with staff and customers about COVID-19, including the measures we are taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Post signs asking ill clients or customers to stay away from the premises.
Post signs encouraging good respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene, and other healthy practices.
Where feasible, implement measures to reduce social contact, such as teleworking arrangements, flexible hours, staggering start times, encouraging the use of e-mail, and teleconferencing.
All non-essential meetings or travel are postponed until clearance received from the government of Canada or the local health authority.
Continually evaluate the workplace for areas where people have frequent contact with each other and shared spaces and objects to look at measures to reduce contact.
Ensure increased cleaning of high-contact areas.
Evaluate and implement ways that employees can practice social distancing, such as increasing distance between desks, workstations, and people in queues.
Minimize interactions between customers and employees.
Implement and follow increased cleaning guidelines:
Make hand sanitizer available at all entries, kitchens, and common areas
Clean and disinfect all high-traffic areas and frequently touched areas (such as door handles, fridge handles, microwaves, printers, photocopiers) twice daily.
Provide cleaning wipes that are at least 70% alcohol to ensure proper disinfection, or use other approved disinfectant sprays and solutions in common areas and workspaces for employees to clean workspaces.
Open windows and doors whenever possible to ensure the space is well-ventilated.
The following personal protective equipment is available and provided based on the following situations:
Gloves for employees who are in direct contact with an ill person or a contaminated object or environment. Hands must be washed before putting on gloves and immediately after removing gloves. While wearing gloves, employees must refrain from touching their face. Gloves should be frequently removed and disposed to limit contact transfer.
Heavy-duty gloves will be provided to cleaning staff.
Work-Related Travel
Non-essential travel is postponed until further notice.
Travel for essential transportation workers is permitted as necessary.
Essential workers are not required to self-isolate for 14 days after work-related travel, but must self-monitor closely for symptoms, and self-isolate immediately if they develop even mild symptoms.
You need to self-monitor if you have no symptoms but may have been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days, are in close contact with elderly people or medically vulnerable people, or have been instructed to self-monitor by your public health authority.
Self-monitoring means to:
Monitor yourself for 14 days for symptoms of respiratory illness, such as cough, fever, and difficulty breathing; and
Avoid crowded places and increase your personal space from others whenever possible
If you develop symptoms, self-isolate immediately and contact your public health authority as soon as possible.
Assessment Resources
If you are having difficulty breathing or experiencing other severe symptoms, call 911 immediately. Advise them of your symptoms and travel history.
If you are concerned about COVID-19 exposure, you can use an online self-assessment tool to determine whether you are likely infected. Please visit the appropriate provincial government websites for self-assessments.